Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Clare's is 4 now!

Clare turned four on May 1st! Happy Birthday!
Chris took cookies to Clare's class, and as they do for each child who has a birthday, they had her hold a globe and walk around the sun to represent each year she has lived as her teacher read notes Chris had provided about each year of her life. The teacher also showed the class a photo we provided for each year. We think it's a pretty cool thing for them to do. It looks like Clare enjoyed it too!

We had a very low-key celebration at home, but Clare really enojoyed it. After dinner we had Dick and Laura over for homemade strawberry birthday cake and Clare opened her presents. I can't believe I didn't get a photo of Clare with her cake. You ALWAYS have to get a picture of your kid with the cake!!! I was so busy with the video camera, that I totally blew it. Chris said he'll figure out how to get some stills from the video, but in the meantime, here are some pictures of her opening presents. We need to figure out how to put video on here too one of these days.

Drew likes the tunnels and fun cube things we got Clare as much as she does! Oh yes, and the balloons!

These next photos are maybe a month or two old. Sometimes we forget we have taken pictures with our other camera.

These were taken last weekend.

They took this at school. I don't know who the hat and shirt below to. We'll have to get Drew some of his own since we definitely ARE Rockies fans!


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