Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Great Neighbors!

Clare has become friends with an adorable girl who lives around the corner from us. Her name is Kaiya. Her mom, Amanda is super cool too! We hung out in their backyard for a couple hours a couple of weeks ago. They have a really neat jumping toy!

Our neighbors planned a block party for the houses in our cul-de-sac. Too bad it started to rain just when everything had been set up in the street. We had to move it into someone's garage. It was really nice, but really squishy, and we all plan to get together more often. The next event will probably be a Christmas thing. We are so lucky we have such cool neighbors. Chris' parents came too. That's nana holding Drew below.

Clare had a great time, but this photo was taken during a grumpy moment.

Like most girls her age, Clare is totally into princesses. She has quite a collection of tiaras, and she likes to share them.
Usually Chris has a beard this time of year, but one night when he was just starting to grow it out, Clare refused to kiss him goodnight. That broke Chris' heart, so the very next morning he shaved it off and has decided to end his October beard tradition.
Clare was being her typical crazy, silly self today...

We know it's not good to encourage such potty humor, but we couldn't resist taking this photo...

Tonight when she was selecting a book to have read to her before bedtime, she said she didn't want the Carebears book because "they were angry." If any of you are familiar with the Carebears, that's pretty funny since they've got to be the most sickening sweet characters/stories you'll ever read!

Well, our Broncos aren't doing very well at the moment, but our Rockies are going to be in the World Series! Gosh Dean and Brendon, isn't it funny how our team swept the Phillies when you said the Rockies suck?


At 10:08 AM, Blogger Jules said...

Looks like Clare is having a blast. I would have killed for one of those jumping things when I was a kid :)


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